Inside the church in Bagneres de Luchon.
A rest day is really a necessary evil you have to do when you're doing a long distance walk. In fact you actually don't want to stop walking, since that is the rhythm you've become accustomed to. But the body may benefit from getting some rest in between. So you should be patient and let your body get some time for itself.
Dark clouds from the horizon on the way.
I meet the Polish family again; they've planned to spend the next long and hard stage to Fos in two and will only go to Artigue today. The thought has crossed my mind as well.
Arriving at Bagneres de Luchon is marking the end of the Pyrénées Centrales and the beginning of the Pyrénées Ariégeoises, even though I won't be crossing the real boundary before two days time (Col d'Auéran). What count however is that according to my guidebook, preparations for this part of the trail has to be done here in Bagneres. This refers mostly to buying food supplies for those days where it won't be possible to do so on the way.
Thunderstorm in the mountains above Bagneres de Luchon, lightning flashes lit up the clouds seen from my balcony at the hotel.
There is a race in the town in the afternoon. I eat a dinner at a restaurant, which is ok but nothing more. During the afternoon dark clouds has drifted in over the town from the mountains and in the evening the clouds are lit up by flashes of lightning.
<- Bagneres de LuchonFos ->
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